Social Equity Score
Professional credentialing verification services in the field of peer-to-peer networking platform that helps individuals, groups, entities, corporations, communities to use and render services by their needs namely verifying the skills and knowledge of licensed professionals on behalf of others. Thus building a Social Equity Score for individuals, brands, entities, groups and communities etc., across the different categories – this is basically like a “craigslist of social equity”. Giving into the system and taking out of the system and create a fully networked society in terms of social, professional and personal transactions. Everything in this world is a transaction between either few individuals or few groups or few entities etc., if you can measure any kind of transaction by providing a service weightage factor and categorize the services you could come up with a social equity score similar to a FICO score or your credit score. The social equity score builds the social equity and varies from 150 to 750. Based on the social equity score, there could also be potential chances to predict different kinds of outcomes in the various sectors that we have categorized before. The details of the various categories are given in the menu items.